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Having thousands of Marketing-Cloud-Account-Engagement-Consultant customers with 99% passing rate, passin1day has a big success story. We are providing fully Salesforce exam passing assurance to our customers. You can purchase Salesforce Certified Marketing Cloud Account Engagement Consultant (WI25) exam dumps with full confidence and pass exam.

Marketing-Cloud-Account-Engagement-Consultant Practice Questions

Question # 1
Which is not a standard role in Marketing Cloud Account Engagement? [Choose one answer]
A. Sales Manager
B. Marketing
C. Administrator
D. Sales User

D. Sales User

Question # 2
LenoxSoft's corporate marketing team wants to ensure their website visitors who originate from Europe are able to opt into having their website activity tracked. How could this be accomplished?
A. Remove tracking code from the website and create new sites for each country.
B. Create visitor filters for prospects that are known to be located in Europe.
C. Enable tracking opt-in preferences for visitors from specific countries.
D. Enable tracking opt-in preferences for all website visitors.

B. Create visitor filters for prospects that are known to be located in Europe.

Question # 3
What is important to remember when creating custom prospect fields in Marketing Cloud Account Engagement? [Choose one answer]
A. Marketing Cloud Account Engagement cannot sync with multi picklist in Salesforce
B. The matching field in Salesforce must have the exactly the same name on the lead and contact object in order for Marketing Cloud Account Engagement to synch to both objects.
C. Marketing Cloud Account Engagement cannot sync with formula fields in Salesforce
D. You can only create 50 custom fields in Marketing Cloud Account Engagement.

B. The matching field in Salesforce must have the exactly the same name on the lead and contact object in order for Marketing Cloud Account Engagement to synch to both objects.

Question # 4
LenoxSoft sends a list email to the "2019 Tradeshow" list, and does not use a suppression list. The next day, an account manager wants to know why his prospect did not receive the email even though they were a member of the list. What could have prevented this prospect from receiving the list email?
A. The prospect already received the email already received another Marketing Cloud Account Engagement email within the past business day, based on the account's business hours.
B. The Dedicated IP address was not warmed up appropriately before the email was scheduled.
C. The prospect was no longer a member of the "2019 Tradeshow" list used for the email send.
D. A second prospect with the same email address received the email under "allow multiple prospects with the same email address.'

D. A second prospect with the same email address received the email under "allow multiple prospects with the same email address.'

Question # 5
A Salesforce Engage user is on their way to a customer offsite. The user just had a conference call on their smartphone and closed a new customer. How could the sales rep remotely and immediately begin the onboarding nurture process for this new customer?
A. Use the Salesforce Mobile App "Send an Email" button.
B. Use the Salesforce "Send Marketing Cloud Account Engagement Email" button.
C. Use the Salesforce "Add to Nurture" button.
D. Use the Salesforce Mobile App "Add to Nurture" button.

C. Use the Salesforce "Add to Nurture" button.

Question # 6
"What record page layouts can the Send Engage Email button be added to?
A. Opportunity
B. Case
C. Contract
D. User

A. Opportunity

Question # 7
LenoxSoft has been using Marketing Cloud Account Engagement and Salesforce for one year and have enabled Einstein Behavior Scoring. What guidance should the system administrator give to the LenoxSoft sales team so they can gain context into why their prospects are being scored the way they are?
A. To always book a follow up call with prospects and record notes from the call in the Marketing Cloud Account Engagement Notes field for future review.
B. To access the B2B Marketing Analytics app so they can look through the campaigns that the prospects have engaged with over the last year.
C. To read the behavior score rationales to gain additional context around positive or negative reasons a prospect is scored the way they are.
D. To read the lead score rationales to gain additional context around positive or negative reasons a prospect is scored the way they are.

D. To read the lead score rationales to gain additional context around positive or negative reasons a prospect is scored the way they are.

Question # 8
The LenoxSoft marketing team compiled a spreadsheet of all attendees who visited their tradeshow booth at a recent event in Chicago. They realize not everyone at the event may be interested in their product so they create new leads in Salesforce for individuals who have submitted an interest form on their website in addition to attending the event. All new leads from the event should be evenly distributed to their Chicago Sales User Group. What would be the optimal sequence to meet these requirements?
A. Run an automation rule for each user in the Chicago Sales User Group to "Assignprospect to user" based on the criteria "Prospect form :: -Any- :: Was completed successfully" AND "Prospect List :: is member of :: Chicago Event" > Import prospects and add them to the "Chicago Event" list
B. A Import prospects and add to "ChicagoEvent" list > Run an automation rule to "Assign prospect to user in group" based on the criteria "Marketing Cloud Account Engagement form :: -Any- :: Was completed successfully" AND "Prospect List :: is member of :: Chicago Event"
C. Run an automation ruleto "Assign prospect to user in group" based on the criteria "Marketing Cloud Account Engagement form :: - Any- :: was completed successfully" AND "Prospect Event :: is :: Chicago Event" > Import prospects and add them to the "Chicago Event" list

B. A Import prospects and add to "ChicagoEvent" list > Run an automation rule to "Assign prospect to user in group" based on the criteria "Marketing Cloud Account Engagement form :: -Any- :: Was completed successfully" AND "Prospect List :: is member of :: Chicago Event"

Marketing-Cloud-Account-Engagement-Consultant Dumps
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Salesforce Marketing-Cloud-Account-Engagement-Consultant Exam Dumps

Exam Name: Salesforce Certified Marketing Cloud Account Engagement Consultant (WI25)
Certification Name: Salesforce Consultant

Salesforce Marketing-Cloud-Account-Engagement-Consultant exam dumps are created by industry top professionals and after that its also verified by expert team. We are providing you updated Salesforce Certified Marketing Cloud Account Engagement Consultant (WI25) exam questions answers. We keep updating our Salesforce Consultant practice test according to real exam. So prepare from our latest questions answers and pass your exam.

  • Total Questions: 245
  • Last Updation Date: 17-Feb-2025


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