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Manufacturing-Cloud-Professional Practice Questions

Question # 1
During the discovery phase, sales leadership at Universal Containers says that their run rate business is hard to forecast because their customer constantly orders more or fewer engine control units than contractually agreed upon. Which Manufacturing Cloud capability should a consultant recommend for managers to discuss these variances with sales reps and for sales reps to monitor their customers?
A. Leverage a Data Processing Engine (DPE) job to calculate the forecast deviation.
B. Use a formula field on the Sales Agreement Product Schedule object to calculate the forecast deviation.
C. Set up the CRM Analytics template app and leverage embedded dashboards for forecast deviation on the Account page.

C. Set up the CRM Analytics template app and leverage embedded dashboards for forecast deviation on the Account page.

Question # 2
Which dashboard allows a user to analyze revenue realization, length of relationship, and customer lifetime value across accounts?
A. Customers Health
B. Sales Agreement Insights
C. White Space Analysis
D. Account Insights
E. Accounts Health

E. Accounts Health

Explanation: The Accounts Health dashboard allows a user to analyze revenue realization, length of relationship, and customer lifetime value across accounts. Revenue realization is the actual revenue as a percentage of planned revenue. Length of relationship is the duration between today and the start date of the first sales agreement with an account. Customer lifetime value is the total of revenue generated to date and revenue anticipated from the account. These metrics help the user to assess the performance and potential of each account and identify opportunities for growth or retention.

Question # 3
Which two Manufacturing cloud functionalities are available in the standard Manufacturing Experience Cloud Template?
A. Rebate Management
B. Sales Agreements
C. Account Based Forecasts
D. Account Manager Targets

B. Sales Agreements
D. Account Manager Targets

Explanation: The standard Manufacturing Experience Cloud Template includes functionalities such as Sales Agreements and Account Manager Targets among its offerings. Sales Agreements help manage and track the terms of sales between a business and its customers, while Account Manager Targets facilitate setting and tracking sales targets for account managers. These functionalities are integral to streamlining sales operations and enhancing the management of customer relationships within the Manufacturing Cloud.

Question # 4
When a target is changed in Account Manager Targets, which action must be taken to reflect this change to Account Manager assignment values?
A. No action required, changes are reflected automatically
B. Update to Assignments
C. Refresh Assignments
D. Recalculate Assignments
E. Propagate to Assignments

C. Refresh Assignments


Account Manager Targets is a feature in Manufacturing Cloud that allows businesses to set and track sales goals for their account managers based on product volume, revenue, or any other custom measure. Account managers can create, assign, and edit targets for their team members and monitor their performance against the targets. When a target is changed in Account Manager Targets, the change is not reflected immediately in the assignment values of the team members. To see the updated assignment values, you must perform the Refresh Assignments action on the Assignments tab of the target record. This action recalculates the assignment values based on the new target value and distributesthe target among the team members according to the assignment rules. The other actions are not valid for Account Manager Targets. References: Account Manager Targets in Manufacturing Cloud, Learn AboutAccount Manager Targets, Enable Account Manager Targets, Assign an Account Manager Target

Question # 5
Badger Power is using Manufacturing Cloud. Forecasts have been set up and generated for all of their accounts. The forecast formula was recently adusted to reflect Opportunity Probability. Which action will this trigger?
A. Recalculation of all active forecast(s).
B. Recalculation of all forecast(s).
C. Regeneration of all forecast(s).
D. Regeneration of all active forecast(s).

C. Regeneration of all forecast(s).


When you change the forecast formula, the existing forecasts are deleted and new forecasts are generated using the updated formula. This applies to all forecasts, regardless of their status. Therefore, the correct answer is C. Regeneration of all forecast(s). References: Build Formulas to Calculate Forecast, Configure Forecast Metrics and Formulas

Question # 6
What is the purpose of a detailed technical design document when Implementing Manufacturing Cloud?
A. Identifies the statement of work and cost to implement the application based on business requirements.
B. Provides personas and user stones with high-level objectives of what users want to be able to accomplish with the application.
C. Defines specific details as to how the functionalities will be configured

C. Defines specific details as to how the functionalities will be configured

Explanation: The purpose of a detailed technical design document when implementing Manufacturing Cloud is to define specific details regarding how functionalities will be configured. This includes setting up features like the Actionable Relationship Center, Events and Milestones, and Intelligent Document Reader, some of which may require integration with external systems.

Question # 7
Which data load sequence should be followed when loading data into Sales agreement?
A. Sales Agreement
B. Sales Agreement Product
C. Sales Agreement Product schedule

A. Sales Agreement
B. Sales Agreement Product
C. Sales Agreement Product schedule


n: A sales agreement is a contract between a manufacturer and a customer that specifies the terms and conditions of along-term sales relationship. A sales agreement consists of a sales agreement record and one or more sales agreement products. A sales agreement product is a line item that represents a product or a product category that the customer agrees to purchase over a period of time. A sales agreement product schedule is a subcomponent of a sales agreement product that defines the quantity and revenue expectations for each time period within the salesagreement term. To load data into sales agreements, you must follow the correct data load sequence to ensure data integrity and avoid errors. The data load sequence is as follows:

First, load the sales agreement records, which contain the basic information about the sales agreement, such as name, account, start date, end date, status, and so on.

Second, load the sales agreement products, which are related to the sales agreement records by the Sales Agreement ID field. Each sales agreement product must have a valid product or product category, name, initial planned quantity, and price book entry.

Third, load the sales agreement product schedules, which are related to the sales agreement products by the Sales Agreement Product ID field. Each sales agreement product schedule must have a valid period, quantity, and revenue. References: Sales Agreement, Sales Agreement Product, Sales Agreement Product Schedule, Data Load Sequence for Manufacturing Cloud

Question # 8
Which two key performance indicators can be calculated on the Forecast Analysis dashboard in Tableau CRM for Manufacturing?
A. Average Price
B. Days Remaining
C. Mean absolute percentage error in the forecast
D. Actual vs Forecasted Revenue
E. Actual vs Planned Revenue

C. Mean absolute percentage error in the forecast
D. Actual vs Forecasted Revenue

Explanation: The Forecast Analysis dashboard in Tableau CRM for Manufacturing is a tool that helps business analysts evaluate the accuracy and quality of the account forecasts generated by the Manufacturing Cloud. It allows them to compare the actual revenue with the forecasted revenue, as well as the planned revenue, for each account, product, and product category. It also shows the mean absolute percentage error (MAPE) in the forecast, which is a measure of how close the forecast is to the actual revenue. The lower the MAPE, the better the forecast. The dashboard also provides other metrics, such as forecast bias, forecast coverage, and forecast attainment, to help analysts identify areas of improvement and optimize the forecasting process.

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Salesforce Manufacturing-Cloud-Professional Exam Dumps

Exam Name: Manufacturing Cloud Accredited Professional Exam (WI25)
Certification Name: Accredited Professional Certification

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  • Total Questions: 151
  • Last Updation Date: 17-Feb-2025


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