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Having thousands of Salesforce-Data-Cloud customers with 99% passing rate, passin1day has a big success story. We are providing fully Salesforce exam passing assurance to our customers. You can purchase Salesforce Data Cloud Accredited Professional Exam (SU24) exam dumps with full confidence and pass exam.

Salesforce-Data-Cloud Practice Questions

Question # 1
Which two common use cases can be addressed with Data Cloud?
A. Harmonize data from multiple sources with a standardized and extendable data model
B. Understand and act upon customer data to drive more relevant experiences
C. Safeguard critical business data by serving as a centralized system for backup and disaster recovery
D. Govern enterprise data lifecycle through acentralized set of policies and processes

A. Harmonize data from multiple sources with a standardized and extendable data model
B. Understand and act upon customer data to drive more relevant experiences

Explanation: Data Cloud can address these two common use cases by providing a platform that allows customers to ingest, map, enrich, and activate data from various sources using the Customer 360 data model, and byenabling customers to create segments, insights, and activations based on their customer data. References: [Data Cloud Overview], [Customer 360 Data Model], [Data Activation]

Question # 2
An organization wants to enable users with the ability to identify and select text attributes from a picklist of options. Which Data Cloud feature can help with this use case?
A. Transformation Formulas
B. Data Harmonization
C. Value Suggestion
D. Global Picklists

C. Value Suggestion


Value suggestion is a feature of Data Cloud that allows you to identify and select text attributes from a picklist of options. You can use value suggestion to standardize values across different data sources and improve data quality. References: &type=5

Question # 3
Which three options can be used to build a filter in the Segmentation Canvas?
A. Data Lake Objects
B. Streaming Insights
C. Calculated Insights
D. Related Attributes
E. Direct Attributes

B. Streaming Insights
C. Calculated Insights
E. Direct Attributes

A window function is a unique requirement of a Streaming Insight query. It defines the time interval for the query to run on the streaming data and the frequency of the query execution.

References: &type=5

Question # 4
What does the Ignore Empty Value option do inIdentity Resolution?
A. Ignores Individual object records with empty fields when running Identity Resolution rules
B. Ignores empty fields when running any custom match rules
C. Ignores empty fields when running reconciliation rules
D. Ignores empty fieldswhen running the standard match rules

C. Ignores empty fields when running reconciliation rules

Question # 5
Which two features are impacted by the timezone setting in the org Data Cloud is provisioned in?
A. Segment Schedule
B. Identity Resolution
C. Ingestion Schedule
D. Activation Schedule

A. Segment Schedule

D. Activation Schedule


These two features are impacted by the timezone setting in the org Data Cloud is provisioned in. The segment schedule determines how often a segment is refreshed based on the selected timezone. The activation schedule determines how often a segment is exported to an activation target based on the selected timezone. References: &type=5 &type=5

Question # 6
What does the Source Sequence reconciliation rule do in Identity Resolution?
A. Sets the priority of specific data sources when building attributes in a unified profile such as a first or last name
B. Identifies which data sources should be used in the process of reconciliation by prioritizing the most recently updated data source
C. Includes data from sources where the data is alphanumerically sequenced
D. Identifies which individual records should be merged into a unified profile by setting a priority for specific data sources

A. Sets the priority of specific data sources when building attributes in a unified profile such as a first or last name

Question # 7
Which of the following are characteristics of Formulas? (Choose 2)
A. Simple logic on a row-based operation
B. Ease of use, self-service
C. Highly reusable content
D. Attribute updated regularly

A. Simple logic on a row-based operation
B. Ease of use, self-service

Explanation: These are two characteristics of Formulas. Formulas are a feature that allows you to create custom fields in the data model using simple logic on a row-based operation. For example, you can use a formula to create a field that concatenates the first name and last name of an individual. Formulas are easyto use and self-service, meaning that you can create them without coding or complex queries. You can use formulas to enrich your data and create more meaningful segments and insights.

Question # 8
Which two statements are true about using consent API and exercising right to be forgotten?
A. Data Deletion requests are processed within 1 hour
B. Data Deletion requests are reprocessed at 30, 60, and 90 days
C. Data Deletion requests are submitted for Individual profiles
D. Data deletion requests submitted to Data Cloud are passed to all connected Salesforce Clouds

B. Data Deletion requests are reprocessed at 30, 60, and 90 days
C. Data Deletion requests are submitted for Individual profiles

Salesforce-Data-Cloud Dumps
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Salesforce Salesforce-Data-Cloud Exam Dumps

Exam Name: Salesforce Data Cloud Accredited Professional Exam (SU24)
Certification Name: Accredited Professional Certification

Salesforce Salesforce-Data-Cloud exam dumps are created by industry top professionals and after that its also verified by expert team. We are providing you updated Salesforce Data Cloud Accredited Professional Exam (SU24) exam questions answers. We keep updating our Accredited Professional Certification practice test according to real exam. So prepare from our latest questions answers and pass your exam.

  • Total Questions: 91
  • Last Updation Date: 17-Feb-2025


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