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Having thousands of Security-and-Privacy-Accredited-Professional customers with 99% passing rate, passin1day has a big success story. We are providing fully Salesforce exam passing assurance to our customers. You can purchase Salesforce Security & Privacy Accredited Professional exam dumps with full confidence and pass exam.

Security-and-Privacy-Accredited-Professional Practice Questions

Question # 1
MFA is enabled at which level for Marketing Cloud-Email Studio, Mobile Studio, and Journey Builder?
A. User level
B. Top-level account
C. Role level
D. Business unit level

B. Top-level account

Question # 2
Which two regulations are important to follow for many companies collecting and processing their customers' data?
A. California Consumer Privacy Act (CCA), United States
B. Personal Electronic Documents Act (PEDA), Canada
C. General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), European Union
D. California Corporate Privacy Regulation (CCPR), European Union

A. California Consumer Privacy Act (CCA), United States
C. General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), European Union

Question # 3
If a user loses their verification method, what are three of the recommended steps an admin should take?
A. Disconnect the lost verification method
B. Generate a temporary verification code so the user can log in
C. Ask the user to submit a lost verification method report before proceeding with any other steps Post about the incident to all Salesforce users as a learning opportunity
D. Monitor the user's account activity for suspicious activity

A. Disconnect the lost verification method
B. Generate a temporary verification code so the user can log in
D. Monitor the user's account activity for suspicious activity

Question # 4
You need to limit when and where from users can access Salesforce- to help reduce the risks of unauthorized access. How should you go about this.
A. Restrict Access based on Login IP Addresses but login hairs can't be set up in conjunction with this feature
B. Use MFA to help ensure users are using a more secure login process
C. Restrict Access based on Login IP Addresses and use the Login Hours feature together
D. Do not allow users to access Salesforce from outside the office.

B. Use MFA to help ensure users are using a more secure login process

Question # 5
How do triggers and process automations deactivate before running a Data Mask configuration?
A. Triggers and process automation do not need to be deactivated to run a configuration
B. User will manually deactivate all automated actions before running a configuration
C. User will need to run a script in the developer console to deactivate any automated processes
D. While running a configuration, Data Mask will automatically disable triggers and process automation before the masking begins

D. While running a configuration, Data Mask will automatically disable triggers and process automation before the masking begins

Question # 6
Identify users who don't need MFA18. If the client wants to record the set up changes users are making to fields for a three years, how would the client achieve this with the standard product?
A. Buy Shield as this provides features that can do this
B. The Setup Audit Trail is good for 180 days so, use this together with a process of exporting the changes out of Salesforce to another system
C. The Setup Audit Trail is good for 5 years so can be used to record this as standard.
D. Leverage Platform Encryption and enable the archive feature

B. The Setup Audit Trail is good for 180 days so, use this together with a process of exporting the changes out of Salesforce to another system

Question # 7
What is an implication of connecting or disconnecting a tenant during the update period?
A. All previous metrics are erased
B. This can cause partial data to load
C. Data will not be loaded until the following day
D. An error message will display to the user

B. This can cause partial data to load

Question # 8
For products built on the Salesforce Platform, how is MFA enabled?
A. On the Identity Verification page in Setup, select the Enable Multi-Factor Authentication checkbox
B. Create a permission set that includes the "Multi-Factor Authentication for User Interface Logins' permission, then apply the permission set to desired users
C. GMFA is enabled by default, each user simply registers a verification method from their personal settings
D. Click the Enable button in the Launch stage of the Multi-Factor Authentication Assistant

B. Create a permission set that includes the "Multi-Factor Authentication for User Interface Logins' permission, then apply the permission set to desired users

Security-and-Privacy-Accredited-Professional Dumps
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Salesforce Security-and-Privacy-Accredited-Professional Exam Dumps

Exam Name: Salesforce Security & Privacy Accredited Professional
Certification Name: Accredited Professional Certification

Salesforce Security-and-Privacy-Accredited-Professional exam dumps are created by industry top professionals and after that its also verified by expert team. We are providing you updated Salesforce Security & Privacy Accredited Professional exam questions answers. We keep updating our Accredited Professional Certification practice test according to real exam. So prepare from our latest questions answers and pass your exam.

  • Total Questions: 106
  • Last Updation Date: 17-Feb-2025


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